Choosing A Picture Frame

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Creating A Home You Can Be Proud Of

As soon as I purchased my first place, I knew that I needed to step up my interior design game. After I moved all of my apartment furniture into the space, I could tell that things needed to be tweaked slightly. My apartment furniture was smaller than my home, and it made everything look silly. To resolve my design dilemma, I spent a little time going through interior design magazines and deciding how I wanted my home to look. I also invested in better furniture and high-end decor pieces. The difference that it made was incredible. This blog is all about creating a home that you will love forever.


Choosing A Picture Frame

6 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you've crafted a piece of artwork yourself or have gotten art from someone else, putting it in a picture frame is a great way to hang and showcase it inside your home. To make your art stand out best, you should think about these frame selection suggestions.

1-Go with Complementary Colors

Many people go straight toward a plain black or wood frame. Both can work for different purposes, but sometimes the best option is to pick a colored frame that will really make the art pop when on the wall. This can be done by selecting a frame in a complementary color to the art in the piece. For instance, if a particular blue is the primary color in the art piece, you could select a muted orange or gold frame since blue and orange are complementary colors, opposite on the color wheel. You could also choose a frame in the same shade of blue as in the piece. Either choice will create a striking picture on the wall.

2-Use a Frame Which Matches the Aesthetics of the Home

The frame in your house should not only match the art it's framing but the spirit of the entire home. A frame that fits into the overall aesthetic of the space will look better than something randomly chosen. For instance, if you're going for a Victorian theme in your house, you'd probably not choose a bright silver, modern frame. It wouldn't look as appealing as a black or dark wood frame with some flourishes along the edge.

Also, give consideration to frame size when selecting one. A thin border around a painting or photograph will allow you to focus on the art itself, but if your furniture is full of thick, substantial pieces, it may be more appropriate to find frames that are also more substantial.

3- Think About Matting 

If you're framing an old letter, an expensive painting or fragile pieces that you're afraid to damage, think about matting. This simply means that you'll be putting another piece of cardboard or paper over part of the piece to create another barrier between the piece and the frame glass. This can sometimes give the appearance of a frame within a frame.

Selecting a frame can enhance the art you're framing; suggestions like this help you make good framing choices. Work with custom framing professionals to find or create the best frame for your piece. For more information on finding picture frames for sale, contact your local dealer.